Community News

TTCN-3 Object-Oriented Features

The new TTCN-3 language extension Object-Oriented Features has been finalized and published as ETSI ES 203 790. You may access the document via the TTCN-3 Standards webpage or the latest TTCN-3 Quick Reference Card. An initial introduction to the OO features have been presented at UCAAT: see poster (2017) or slides by Kristóf Szabados (2018).

TDL mapping to TTCN-3

ETSI TC MTS published the final version for the mapping of the Test Description Language (TDL) to TTCN-3. You may find the document here. For further information on TDL please vistit the TDL homepage.

TTCN-3 version 4.10.1 (edition 2018) published

ETSI published all updated TTCN-3 specification parts and extensions (2018 edition), you may also access the actual documents using the updated TTCN-3 Quick reference card.

For TTCN-3 users the updated core language provides a couple of improvements, e.g. mixed list/assignment notation, variables of timer/port types, declarations at any place where statements are allowed, renaming (local scope only) of imported module. The terms ‘object’ and ‘object reference’ have been introduced to cover component, default, port and timer types. Users may have a look to section 15.11 regarding the concatenation of templates of string/list types.

UCAAT 2018 call

The 6th User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) is dedicated to application aspects of automated testing including artificial intelligence techniques, cloud testing, mobile testing, test methodologies, test management and standardized test specification by focusing on the practical challenges that are often faced in industry. Please consider to contribute and participate in Paris, 16-18 October.

Eclipse IoT-Testware project started

The Eclipse Foundation started a new open source project on the development of TTCN-3 test suites for the Internet of Things. Interested developers are invited to join the project team. Please have a look to the repository of The work is supported by the ETSI TC MTS working group TST.

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