TTCN-3 part 1 (2024) V4.16.1 published
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ETSI ES 201 873-1 V4.16.1 (2024-10) has entered the public domain with status: Publication. You might also want to check the Work Programme.
Release notes TTCN-3 core notation ES 201 873-1 v4.16.1
1. Section 3.1 (Terms) - New/updated definitions:
- core type
- parent type
- super type
- root type
2. Section 6.2.15 (Map types) – Clarification:
- map type is a structured data/value type, not a reference type
3. Section 11.1 (Value variables): Change of restriction
- Type requirement of value variable assignment now is less restrictive.
4. Section 15.8.2 (Implicit restrictions for template fields, alternatives and elements):
- Addition of restrictions for map or parameters of a signature template
5. Section B.1.5.0 (Table B.1: List of TTCN 3 pattern metacharacters):
- Metacharacter definitions changed reference from Recommendation ITU T T.50 to ISO/IEC 10646
In addition several typos in paragraphs and examples have been corrected.
Homepage link changed
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Please note that the TTCN-3 homepage link has changed from "" to "". You may need to update your links since there is no redirection.
TTCN-3 part 1 (V4.16.1) voting
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ETSI members are requested to vote on the current final draft (edition 2024) ETSI ES 201 873-1 (V4.16.1) until 28th October 2024. The PDF version of this document is public and available free of charge at
TTCN-3 conformance tests 2024
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ETSI published the latest TTCN-3 conformance test suite, i.e. technical specifications including TTCN-3 code, for the assessment of TTCN-3 compiler conformance to the TTCN-3 language standards (edition 2024). You may access the latest documents here. The work has been performed by the ETSI Testing Task Force (TTF) T032 team.
TTCN-3 questionnaire 2024
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Dear TTCN-3 users and tool providers,
you are invited to take part in the TTCN-3 questionnaire 2024.
The questionnaire can be retrieved from Feel free to forward the questionnaire to customers and other interested persons.
Please send your response to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if possible before 5th September 2024). Your input is also welcome after this date!
The ETSI TTF T040 project team members will present and discuss the results during the ETSI MTS Open Session on new TTCN-3 major release. In case of further questions please do not hesitate to contact the TTF T040 project manager, e.g. using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..