ETSI SIP Library

LibSip v3.0 LibSip v.2.0.0 Subversion RepositoryLibSip v2.0.0  Official Delivery

LibSip is a collection of reusable TTCN-3 definitions related to SIP standards including type definitions for SIP base RFC as well as other RFCs, SIP templates and functions for sending and receiving SIP requests and answers.

The latest official release of library is 3.0.0. This version is not  backward compatible to the old 2.0.0 release.

The history of versions can be found at the end of this article.


Click here to see the full list of standards and reference documents.

LibSip is made up of these modules:

  • LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues
  • Message, header, structured and simple SIP types as well constants used by LipSip constructs
  • LibSip_SDPTypes
  • Message, attribute, structured and simple SDP types as well constants used by LipSip constructs
  • LibSip_XMLTypes
  • XML type system for SIP tests
  • LibSip_Templates
  • SIP Templates for message, header, and structured types
  • LibSip_Interface
  • Definitions and types used by the test components for SIP and IMS tests
  • LibSip_Steps
  • Test steps used by the test component for SIP tests
  • LibSip_PIXITS
  • Module parameters for SIP testing
  • LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues
  • Type definitions for SMS
  • LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes
  • SMS type system for SIP tests
  • LibSip_SMSTemplates
  • Templates used by the test component for SIP-SMS over IMS
  • LibSip_SMSFunctions
  • Functions used by the test component SIP-SMS over IMS
  • LibSip_MessageBodyTypes (v2Beta only)
  • Union of different types to be used in SIP message bodies


The xsd files contain representation of xml structures as found in 3GPP specifications.

All modules have been thoroughly documented using t3doc tags and ETSI commenting guidelines. In addition, the code follows ETSI's naming conventions

Change Requests (CRs) and bugs can be reported via ETSI's Testing - Online Report Tool (t-ort) 'ETSI TTCN-3 Libraries / LibSIP Library' sub-projects.


Versions history:

LibSip v3.0 LibSip v.3.0 Subversion RepositoryLibSip v3.0  Official Delivery This version is the latest official release used for all upcoming test specifications using LibSip. 
LibSip v2.0 LibSip v.2.0 Subversion RepositoryLibSip v2.0  Official Delivery This version already considers the new SipUrl type schemes like urn:service:sos.It is not backward compatible to the v1.7 since it changes types and templates related to SipUrl.
LibSip v1.7 LibSip v.1.7.0 Subversion Repository LibSip v1.7.0  Official Delivery  







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