Community News

Due to a mistake during the CR resolution in the last TTCN-3 maintenance TTF, CR 7910 has been implemented incorrectly in Part 1 of the TTCN-3 standard i.e., ES 201 873-1 V4.13.1 (2021-08).

CR 7910 extends TTCN-3 with the possibility to specify parallel control parts/components. The CR has also been implemented as CR 7978 in "ES 202 781 TTCN-3: Extensions: Configuration and Deployment Support".

Following a decision in ETSI TC MTS the mistake will be corrected in the next upcoming edition of the TTCN-3 standards to be published in 2022.

3GPP published an article about device certification and the activities of TF160 using TTCN-3: Ensuring device compliance to standards. The complete 3GPP Highlight newsletter is also available as PDF.

Finally all parts of the TTCN-3 edition 2021 (core language V4.13.1 with related parts and extensions) have been approved and published. You have access and may read the documents via TTCN-3 Standards, the ETSI Search & Browse webpage and/or the updated TTCN-3 quick reference card.

The 8th edition of UCAAT, the User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing, taking place on 19-21 October 2021, is going fully virtual this year!

Check out the programme and further details at:!


This year’s event will gather stakeholders from around the globe to debate on the adoption of novel test automation techniques with a focus on eight topics:

  1. 5G and Networks
  2. AI and Regression Testing
  3. Standards and Security
  4. Model and process Testing
  5. Model-Based Testing
  6. Methodology 
  7. AI 
  8. Model Verification and Simulation

Register now for UCAAT 2021: Testing to the Edge! Take this opportunity to meet key actors of the testing community, interact live with experts and other attendees, share and learn from real-life testing experiences.

Check our tentative programme!

Participation is open to all and free of charge upon mandatory registration.

ETSI just published the latest TTCN-3 conformance test suite, i.e. technical specifications including TTCN-3 code, for the assessment of TTCN-3 compiler conformance to the TTCN-3 language standards (edition 2020). You may access the latest documents here. The work has been performed by the ETSI Testing Task Force (TTF) T003 evolution team.

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