Community News

TTCN-3 in CodeMirror

CodeMirror is a Javascript text editor component used by Gerrit (although it also can be used independently) for code review. Support for TTCN-3, ASN.1 and Titan runtime configuration format have been added to Code Mirror by Ericsson contributors. These modes will be available from the upcoming revision 5.3.0.

For details see and

Titan is open source now

Ericsson's TTCN-3 toolset called Titan has become open source. The toolset is being developed for 15 years and it is intensively used today both for functional and for load/performance types of testing. It has a stable 4,7 k users within Ericsson. Ericsson will continue its development and welcomes contributions from the community. See more in the Non-Commercial Tools section.

ITU-T published TTCN-3 standards

All parts of the TTCN-3 standard and extensions from 2014 have been endorsed by ITU-T Study Group 17 and are now published online in the Z series (Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems) with document identifiers Z.161 – Z.170.

UCAAT 2014 event summary

The latest ETSI User Conference in Advanced Automated Testing was successfully held in Munich from 16 to 18 of September.

UCAAT 2014 attracted 151 guests from 22 countries. Participants came from various industrial sectors (such as: automotive, defence, telecommunications, banking, internet and information technology) as well as  from international academic circles, research facilities and testing tool providers.

Presentations are available for free download at:

New LibSip and LibIms versions Published

A new versions of ETSI SIP Library v.3.0.0 and ETSI IMS Library v3.0.0 were published as a delivery of ETSI STF471. These new versions must be used for all upcoming test specifications using LibSip and LibIms.

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