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New TTCN-3 Test Suite for ITS

ETSI  has published a new TTCN-3 Test Suite for Intelligent Transport System (ITS): TS 103 096-3 v1.1.1. TS 103 096 is divided in 3 parts providing the full Conformance Test Specification for TS 102 867 and TS 102 941. Learn more...

UCAAT: Agenda and Registration Online

UCAAT: Advanced Automated Testing Conference, 22-24 October 2013, Paris - FRANCE

TTCN-3 version 4.5.1 has been published

ETSI published latest TTCN-3 version 4.5.1 and extensions. Please have a look to the updated TTCN-3 standard documents, BNF and Quick Reference card that are online.

UCAAT - User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing – Paris, 22-24 October 2013

ETSI – The European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Smartesting and  ALL4TEC  are jointly organizing this international conference dedicated to test automation which focuses this year on integrating model-based testing in the testing ecosystem.

Read more: UCAAT - User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing

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