DIAMETER Test Suites

ETSI TC INT has been working on a number of Conformance Test Suites for different Diameter interfaces: Rx, Gx ..
All of these standardized Diameter TTCN-3 test suites have been validated by ETSI members.


TS 101 580 Diameter on the Rx interface
TS 101 606 Diameter on the Gx interface
TS 103 261 Diameter on the S6a interface
TS 103 262 Diameter on the S9 interface
TS 103 289 Diameter on the Cx and Dx interfaces
TS 103 374 Diameter on the Rf/Ro interface
TS 103 571 Diameter on the Sh and Dh interface

Note that next to an Diameter implementation under test other TTCN-3 test system components, i.e., proper TTCN-3 codec, TTCN-3 SUT Adapter and a real time Platform Adapter, are needed in order to execute these test suites.

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