3GPP UTRA UE Test Suites

3GPP UTRA UE test suite is specified by 3GPP TSG RAN working group 5 (RAN5). The test suite is contained in:

3GPP TS 34.123-3 User Equipment (UE) conformance specification;
Part 3: Abstract Test Suites

The test suite is considered as the standardized reference implementation of the following 3GPP test specifications:

3GPP TS 34.123-1 User Equipment (UE) conformance specification;
Part 1: Protocol conformance specification
3GPP TS 34.123-2 User Equipment (UE) conformance specification;
Part 2: Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) proforma specification
3GPP TS 34.108 Common test environments for User Equipment (UE) conformance testing
3GPP TS 34.109 Terminal logical test interface;
Special conformance testing functions

All test cases in the test suite are verified against two different types of commercially available UEs over the UTRA radio interface and agreed / approved by RAN5 / RAN. The test cases are performed on the validated System Simulators and deployed for the UE certifications.

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