TTCN-3 part 1 (2024) V4.16.1 published
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ETSI ES 201 873-1 V4.16.1 (2024-10) has entered the public domain with status: Publication. You might also want to check the Work Programme.
Release notes TTCN-3 core notation ES 201 873-1 v4.16.1
1. Section 3.1 (Terms) - New/updated definitions:
- core type
- parent type
- super type
- root type
2. Section 6.2.15 (Map types) – Clarification:
- map type is a structured data/value type, not a reference type
3. Section 11.1 (Value variables): Change of restriction
- Type requirement of value variable assignment now is less restrictive.
4. Section 15.8.2 (Implicit restrictions for template fields, alternatives and elements):
- Addition of restrictions for map or parameters of a signature template
5. Section B.1.5.0 (Table B.1: List of TTCN 3 pattern metacharacters):
- Metacharacter definitions changed reference from Recommendation ITU T T.50 to ISO/IEC 10646
In addition several typos in paragraphs and examples have been corrected.