TTCN-3 User Conference Asia









TTCN-3  Certificate Exam

Call for Presentations


Call for Exhibitors 


Call for Sponsors








ETSI TTCN-3 User Conference Asia
17-19 November 2009
 Bangalore, INDIA

TTCN-3 is a well established mature testing technology. During its 10 year lifespan, the realization of its flexibility and adaptability has led to its rapid deployment in the telecommunication domain plus many other domains, including transportation, internet, medical, web-based services and distributed systems.

In addition, its use has expanded from functional conformance testing into load, performance, and interoperability testing.


In the past few years Asia has discovered the value of this application and tool-independent test specification language and already boasts a much larger user base than Europe. This year's T3UC Asia will be hosted by India - one of the world's key emerging markets - and offers an opportunity for testing experts, tool and product makers to showcase and learn about the latest approaches and advances in TTCN-3 technology to support their quest to provide top quality products in today's challenging markets.


T3UC Asia 2009 is co-organized by ISQT and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and supported technically by Wipro Technologies. It will feature tutorials and presentations from members of the TTCN-3 user community as well as keynotes from invited speakers.